When Adam and Eve were created, all of human nature existed in them, and none of it existed anywhere else (Anselm). We are 'in Adam' in the sense that Adam and Eve are the source code for our own bodies; they are the blue print for the rest of humanity (Augustine/Crisp). Adam's sin changed him and Eve. It made them know sin, but without the benefit of wisdom or maturity (Irenaeus). As a result, they became stunted in their person, altered from their original design (Irenaeus). Coffee spilled on the blueprint (Crisp).
Wednesday, November 25, 2020
Into the Wild: Original Sin Reimagined.
Friday, November 20, 2020
That rough draft life
You know how your third draft of an essay more accurately captures your original thought? that earlier drafts do not reflect your true tone, mood or intent? Almost everything I say is the rough draft. If I could go back and revise it, the ready-print version would be more measured, less assuming, less chatter. But to others, the words that form on the lips are necessarily in final form. They never appear to others as the first try to form a response. Since oral speech presents none of the editing capability of the written word, it is wise to heed James. "My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry."
Wednesday, September 16, 2020
chess ideas
gender neutral chess: checkmate queen or king; or replace the titles altogether with Queeg and Queeg
a game of thrones option: king can kill its own pawn to escape traps
battle royal version: each pawn for itself
Friday, July 24, 2020
fish out of water
i was close to having a 'niche' in my firm - becoming the go-to guy to do research, draft strong briefs, make strong arguments to judges. i won cases, made clients happy, and began to have specialized litigation knowledge.
to answer the call of service, i am now a member of a team that works on matters on the far side of the legalverse, with skill sets i previously overlooked. i'm learning a new alphabet through trial and error, and each error reveals my incompetence. i feel found out.
took a paycut to start my legal career from scratch again, with folks who are unimpressed with my irrelevant pedigrees. why did i do this again?
Saturday, April 11, 2020
Once you get past the gore, cliches, and maybe slightly pornographic scenes, there is kind of an important message.
As in every horror movie, there are obvious warning signs the movie's protagonists ignore.
But what's unique here is the reason they ignore it. The professional mostly twenty something males are all anthropologists-in-training. They're deeply indoctrinated into cultural relativism: the belief that no cultural practice should be judged 'from the outside'. They're also motivated by careerism. They're too educated to recognize that a village killing off its elderly with gravity and an ornate sledgehammer is just that: a village killing off its elderly. Preoccupied with their educational ambitions, and led by their penises as much as by their obsession with neutrality, they miss the forest for the trees.
At the same time, I can't really judge them. I too am an over-educated (thirty something) male. I question my questions too much. I don't see the forest or the trees; I'm busy racking my brain to find a good quote to use in the conversation I'm having with myself.
These are my thoughts in between Good Friday and Easter during the pandemic of 2020. I hoped to find something more spiritual to say but this is it for now.